
In the file are contained several classes to create shapes and other objects. This is a list of commonly used classes. The most useful constructor parameters are listed under the description of the classes. However, these lists are not exhaustive and for example many objects can be passed the following arguments :

color :
color to draw and fill the object with
fill_opacity : float (between 0 and 1)
the object is filled with the given opacity


Represents an arc. Inherits from TipableVMobject.

Parameters :

radius : float, optional, default: 1.0
distance from arc_center to the arc
arc_center : numpy array of dimension 3, optional, default: ORIGIN
point to which all points in the arc are equidistants
start_angle : float (in radians), optional, default: 0
the angle at which to start the arc
angle : float (in radians), optional, default: TAU/4 (equal to PI/2)
total angle between the point in start angle and the last point in the arc, measured from the arc_center


Represents an arc between two points. Inherits from Arc. The arc center is computed as being on the left side of the perpendicular of the line from start to end.

Parameters :

start : numpy array of dimension 3
start point
end : numpy array of dimension 3
end point
angle : float (in radians), optional, default: TAU/4 (equal to PI/2)
total angle between the start point and the end point, measured from the arc_center


Represents a curved arrow between two points. Inherits from ArcBetweenPoints. Behaviour very close from its parent class.

Parameters :

start_point : numpy array of dimension 3
start point
end_point : numpy array of dimension 3
end point
angle : float (in radians), optional, default: TAU/4 (equal to PI/2)
total angle between the start point and the end point, measured from the arc_center


Represents a double curved arrow between two points. Inherits from CurvedArrow. Behaviour very close from its parent class. When playing the animation ShowCreation, first draws the curved arrow from start_point to end_point and then draws the tip at start_point.

Parameters :

start_point : numpy array of dimension 3
start point
end_point : numpy array of dimension 3
end point
angle : float (in radians), optional, default: TAU/4 (equal to PI/2)
total angle between the start point and the end point, measured from the arc_center


Represents a circle. Inherits from Arc. Default color is red.

Parameters :

radius : float, optional, default: 1.0
distance from arc_center to the arc
arc_center : numpy array of dimension 3, optional, default: ORIGIN
point to which all points in the arc are equidistants


Represents a dot. Inherits from Circle. Default color is white.

Parameters :

point : numpy array of dimension 3, optional, default: ORIGIN
center of the dot
radius : float, optional, default: DEFAULT_DOT_RADIUS
size of the dot


Represents a small dot. Inherits from Dot. It has exactly the same behaviour as Dot except its radius is set to DEFAULT_SMALL_DOT_RADIUS.


Represents an ellipse. Inherits from Circle. The ellipse is built by passing the dimensions of the rectangle in which the ellipse is inscribed.

Parameters :

width : float, optional, default: 2
width of the rectangle in which the ellipse is inscribed
height : float, optional, default: 1
height of the rectangle in which the ellipse is inscribed
arc_center : numpy array of dimension 3, optional, default: ORIGIN
center of the ellipse


Represents an annular sector. Inherits from Arc. Default color is white.

Parameters :

inner_radius : float, optional, default: 1
radius of the inner arc
outer_radius : float, optional, default: 2
radius of the outer arc
start_angle : float (in radians), optional, default: 0
start angle of the two arcs
angle : float (in radians), optional, default: TAU/4 (equal PI/2)
angle between the start angle and the last point of the two arcs
arc_center : numpy array of dimension 3, optional, default: ORIGIN
center of the annular sector


Represents a sector, like a part of a pie. Inherits from AnnularSector.

Parameters :

outer_radius : float, optional, default: 1
radius of the arc
start_angle : float (in radians), optional, default: 0
start angle of the arc
angle : float (in radians), optional, default: TAU/4 (equal PI/2)
angle between the start angle and the last point of the arc
arc_center : numpy array of dimension 3, optional, default: ORIGIN
center of the sector


Represents an annulus (ring shape). Inherits from Circle. Default color is white.

Parameters :

inner_radius : float, optional, default: 1
radius of the inner circle
outer_radius : float, optional, default: 2
radius of the outer circle
arc_center : numpy array of dimension 3, optional, default: ORIGIN
center of the two circles


Represents a line. Inherits from TipableVMobject.

Parameters :

start : numpy array of dimension 3, optional, default: LEFT
start point of the line
end : numpy array of dimension 3, optional, default: RIGHT
end point of the line
path_arc : float (in radians), optional, default: None
if set to None, the line is a straight line. Otherwise, the line is a curved line between start and end with the angle specified. Behaviour becomes similar to ArcBetweenPoints.


Represents a dashed line. Inherits from Line.

Parameters :

start : numpy array of dimension 3, optional, default: LEFT
start point of the line
end : numpy array of dimension 3, optional, default: RIGHT
end point of the line
path_arc : float (in radians), optional, default: None
if set to None, the line is a straight line. Otherwise, the line is a curved line between start and end with the angle specified. Behaviour becomes similar to ArcBetweenPoints.
dash_length : float, optional, default: DEFAULT_DASH_LENGTH
length of each dash
positive_space_ratio : float (> 0 and <= 1), optional, default: 0.5
ratio in one unit of space the length of one dash. This means that one dash and one blank space occupy dash_length/positive_space_ratio.


Represents a straight line tangent to a given object. Inherits from Line.

Parameters :

vmob :
object to which the line is tangent
alpha : float (between 0 and 1)
indicates the position of the tangent line. On the circle 0 represents tangent at point at angle 0 and 0.5 represents tangent at point at angle PI.
length : float, optional, default:1
length of the line


Represents the perpendicular symbol. Inherits from VMobject.

Parameters :

width : float, optional, default: 0.2
length from each side of the symbol

Methods :

set_points_as_corners(points) :
set the points corners to the three points passed as arguments
set_width(width, about_point=ORIGIN) :
set the length from each side of the symbol and centers the symbol at about_point

Example :

Here is an example on how to place the elbow in a triangle.

class ElbowExample(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        triangle = Polygon(ORIGIN, RIGHT, RIGHT+UP)
        elbow = Elbow(color=RED)
        elbow.set_points_as_corners([ORIGIN, RIGHT, RIGHT+UP])
        elbow.set_width(elbow.width, about_point=RIGHT+np.array([-0.1, 0.1, 0.0]))


Represents an arrow. Inherits from Line.

Parameters :

start : numpy array of dimension 3, optional, default: LEFT
start point of the arrow
end : numpy array of dimension 3, optional, default: RIGHT
end point of the arrow


Represents an arrow from the origin to another point. Inherits from Arrow.

Parameters :

direction : numpy array of dimension 3, optional, default: RIGHT
point towards which the arrow goes


Represents a double arrow. Inherits from Arrow.

Parameters :

start : numpy array of dimension 3, optional, default: LEFT
start point of the arrow
end : numpy array of dimension 3, optional, default: RIGHT
end point of the arrow


Represents a polygon. Inherits from VMobject. Default color is blue.

Parameters :

*vertices : numpy array of dimension 3
all the vertices defining the polygon

Example :

class PolygonExample(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        pentagon = Polygon(2*UP, RIGHT+UP, RIGHT+DOWN, LEFT+DOWN, LEFT+UP)


Represents a regular polygon. Inherits from Polygon.

Parameters :

n : int, optional, default:6
number of polygon’s edges


Represents a equiteral triangle. Inherits from RegularPolygon.


Represents an arrow tip. Inherits from Triangle.


Represents a rectangle. Inherits from Polygon.

Parameters :

height : float, optional, default: 2.0
height of the rectangle
width : float, optional, default: 4.0
width of the rectangle


Represents a square. Inherits from Rectangle.

Parameters :

side_length : float, optional, default: 2.0


Represents a rectangle with rounded corners. Inherits from Rectangle.

Parameters :

height : float, optional, default: 2.0
height of the rectangle
width : float, optional, default: 4.0
width of the rectangle
corner_radius : float, optional, default: 0.5
radius of the arcs composing the corners